What We Can Treat


Neurotoxin can reduce pore size and slow down oil-producing glands.  Microneedling, laser treatments, and retinols can also reduce the frequency and severity of breakouts.  All of the treatments can improve hyperpigmentation and scars from acne. Steroid injections can help with cystic acne.

Aging Hands

Radiesse can restore volume loss in the hands, lasers, medical grade skin care, vitamin C, retinols, are all tools we use to even skin tone, improve skin firmness and volume while for a more youthful appearing hands.

Back Pain

Trigger point injections can provide immediate and long-lasting relief from back pain caused by muscle tension and inflammation.  One of our specifically designed IV Cocktails with anti-inflammatory medications can provide some relief from pain and sciatica.

Butt Sculpting

Injected biostimulators like Sculptra and/or Radiesse are injected to areas of the buttocks when more volume is desired.  Over 2-4 months, your body will build tissue for a natural more firm and round buttocks.

Bra Fat Overhang

Fat dissolving injections such as Kybella and skin tightening treatments such as microneedling can target stubborn areas of fat and stretched out skin.

Areas of cellulite can be released then injected biostimulators like Sculptra and/or Radiesse that can add volume to dimpled areas.

Cold/Flu/Stomach Bug

Feeling under the weather?  One of our specially crafted IV Cocktails can relieve symptoms, boost your immune system and get you back to your life more quickly.

Crapey Skin

Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Neurotoxins, microneedling, Sculptra, and Radiesse are all tools we use to improve skin firmness while restoring volume.

Crooked or Bumpy Nose

Dermal fillers can be injected into the nose to minimize appearance of a bump or crooked nasal bridge.

Dark Under-Eyes

PRP/PRF injected under the eyes can reduce the appearance of dark circles and stimulate collagen production for younger appearing under eyes.


Our IV Therapy replenishes fluids and vitamins to restore hydration and improve mood and energy. 

Double Chin

Fat dissolving injections such as Kybella and skin tightening treatments such as microneedling can target stubborn areas of fat and lose skin.

Facial Wrinkles

Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Retinols, dermal fillers, neurotoxin, lasers, microneedling, medical grade skin care, medical grade sunscreen, Vitamin C, Sculptra, Radiesse are all tools we use to even skin tone, restore collagen and elastin, reduce wrinkles, lift jowls, reduce nasal-labial folds, improve skin cell turn-over, and prevent future damage.

Fuller Lips

Neurotoxins can be injected into the upper lip for a subtle yet fuller appearance at rest and when smiling.  Dermal fillers can be injected into lips to improve appearance and add volume.

Gummy Smile

Neurotoxins can be strategically injected to minimize gum-show when smiling.


Our specially crafted IV Cocktail and medications will knock-out that headache, nausea, and wooziness, after a big night out.  You can get back to your day as if you barely drank at all. 

Heavy Eyebrows

Neurotoxin, and strategically placed dermal filler can make the brow appear more lifted.  Upneeq eye drops can reduce droopy-appearing eyelids for a more awake look.

Hip Dips

Injected biostimulators like Sculptra and/or Radiesse are injected to areas where roundness and volume is desired.  Over 2-4 months, your body will build tissue for a to fill in the dips.

Hollow Under-Eyes

Dermal fillers and or biostimulators strategically placed elsewhere on the face can dramatically support the undereye area.  Undereye filler can reduce hollowing of the undereye. PRP/PRF injected under the eyes can reduce the appearance of dark circles and stimulate collagen production for younger appearing under eyes.

Hooded Eyelids

Neurotoxin, and microneedling, can improve lax skin; neurotoxin and strategically placed dermal filler can make the eye appear more open.  Upneeq eye drops can reduce droopy-appearing eyelids for a more awake look.

Jowls of Face

Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Neurotoxins, dermal fillers, microneedling, lasers, Sculptra, Radiesse are all tools we use to provide support to the face to reduce jowling of the lower face.

Loose Skin

Skin tightening treatments such as microneedling can be done alone or even better when paired with injected biostimulators like Sculptra and/or Radiesse. 

Loose Neck Skin

Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Neurotoxins, microneedling, Sculptra, and Radiesse are all tools we use to provide support to the lift and support the neck skin and reduce neck-wrinkles while restoring neck volume.

Low Energy

Our IV Therapy, injectable vitamins, and/or NAD+ restore hydration, replenish vitamin and minerals, give your immune system a boost to improve mood and energy. 


Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Glutathione, and neurotoxins are very effective to slow melanin production.  Retinols, lasers, microneedling, medical grade skin care, medical grade sunscreen, Vitamin C, Sculptra, Radiesse are all tools we use to lighten hyperpigmentation, restore collagen and elastin, improve skin cell turn-over, and prevent future damage.


Our specially crafted IV Cocktail and medications can give immediate relief from the headache and nausea of a migraine.  Other treatments like trigger point injections, an occipital block, neurotoxin injections of the masseters or traps can help prevent future headaches.

Neck & Shoulder Pain

Trigger point injections and/or Traptox can provide immediate and long-lasting relief from neck and shoulder pain caused by muscle tension and inflammation.  One of our specifically designed IV Cocktail can provide over-all body pain and inflammation relief.

Neck & Chest Wrinkles

Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Neurotoxins, microneedling, Sculptra, and Radiesse are all tools we use to reduce wrinkles, improve skin firmness while restoring volume for a more youthful appearing chest.


Got a big event where you know you’ll be over-indulging? Tank-up beforehand with our IV Cocktail so you have more stamina for your event and few hangover symptoms the next day.  (Disclaimer: Always Drink Responsibly!)

Sagging/Aging Face

Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Retinols, dermal fillers, neurotoxin, lasers, microneedling, medical grade skin care, medical grade sunscreen, Vitamin C, Sculptra, Radiesse are all tools we use to even skin tone, restore collagen and elastin, reduce wrinkles, lift jowls, reduce nasal-labial folds, improve skin cell turn-over, and prevent future damage.

Slow Down Aging

Many of our treatments, like Sculptra, Radiesse, laser, and microneedling can help your body retore its own collagen and/or elastin for more youthful skin.  NAD+ IV Therapy can actually slow aging and the genetic level.


Steroid injections, lasers, microneedling, medical grade skin care, medical grade sunscreen, Vitamin C, Sculptra, Radiesse are all tools we use to minimize the appearance of stretch marks and tighten surrounding skin as needed.

Sun Damage

Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Glutathione, retinols, neurotoxin, lasers, microneedling, medical grade skin care, medical grade sunscreen, Vitamin C, Sculptra, Radiesse are all tools we use to lighten hyperpigmentation, reduce wrinkles, restore collagen and elastin, improve skin cell turn-over, and prevent future sun damage.

Thinning Hair

PRP/PRF injections directly into the scalp stimulate the hair follicles, leading to increased hair growth. The fibrin helps to create a scaffold that supports the growth of new cells, including hair follicles.


Neurotoxin injected into your masseter muscles can provide long lasting relief from the head, face and jaw pain associated with TMJ.

Uneven Skin Tone

Best results come from using a multi-modality approach. Glutathione, retinols, neurotoxin, lasers, microneedling, medical grade skin care, medical grade sunscreen, Vitamin C, Sculptra, Radiesse are all tools we use to lighten hyperpigmentation, restore collagen and elastin, improve skin cell turn-over, and prevent future damage.

Weight Loss

The prescription that all of Hollywood is using, we have the generic version available.   Please click on semaglutide for more information.  We also have Lipo-C which can help with fat loss.